How it works

  1. The Care England Buyers Index is an online directory allowing regular access by care providers when they are looking for suppliers.
  2. Advertise your company on the Care England Buyers Index and you will become a Care England Supplier Member for the annual fee of £299 plus VAT.
  3. Care England Supplier Members will also receive a certificate of membership and may use the Care England Supplier Member logo on websites and marketing collateral.
  4. Suppliers can be searched by name, region or the category of goods and services provided.
  5. Each supplier has their own profile page with contact details and information about the goods and services they provide.
  6. The Buyers Index is emailed each quarter to the care home members to ensure that all suppliers get maximum exposure to care sector buyers.
  7. The Care England Buyers Index will post special features and regular news feeds to its members.

 Click here for details of how to join as a Supplier Member and include your company in the Index